Monday, August 13, 2012

Forever Reign and Being Anxious About Anxieties

Even when we fail, He still loves us and gives us another chance.
Unconditional love and unending grace.

I love this song and all that it stands for, because it's so easy to relate to and true.
"You are good when there's nothing good in me."

I've been anxious about the future lately. Especially at night, I run through all the possibilities and all the things I have yet to do before I go to college. I'm living with only my mom now and it kind of puts things in perspective- things are changing. That makes me feel uneasy and I just have to remember to not worry about the future (because God is there already!). However, I catch myself thinking about my ever present to do list all the time.
To help me to feel more confident, I've been drilling the verse from Proverbs 31 in my head that says "she is clothed in strength and dignity and can laugh without fear of the future." I love everything about that verse, from the image it portrays of a woman "clothed in strength" to her laughing "without fear of the future." I want to be that way, so it fills me with reassurance that everything will turn out alright, and that as long as God is first, the rest will fall into place. I wrote the verse on my mirror so I'd see it every time I walk into my bathroom, because since I'm usually home most of the day keeping myself busy with little things, I keep thinking about my future plans even without realizing it. That may not sound like a bad thing, but I inadvertently begin to stress about it as soon as the train of thought begins. It's hard sometimes to keep focused on the present when the future seems to be approaching so quickly- I feel like the past few years have flown by and I haven't (in reference to Ferris Bueller's day off) taken the time to stop and look around once in a while, so I've missed them.
That's silly, of course, because I've enjoyed the past few years. Maybe I feel like I can't remember them because I don't ever take enough time to just sit and reminisce in solitude. I've fallen into the "busy trap"- I keep myself busy with things like cleaning, writing summer reading responses, planning, exercising and all the while listening to music to keep my mind busy so I don't have to focus on my thoughts. I need some quiet time, which I guess I am sort of getting now (though not completely, I have a computer in front of me and that doesn't make for very good alone time:). It is quiet though, and I'm spending it coming to the realization that I need to just breathe sometimes and let Jesus "take the wheel" instead of trying to steer so precisely and have my whole life go according to MY plan, when it needs to be aligned to His will.
So there's two things to work on this week:
1) Selfless acts
2) Not stressing, taking some quiet time to reassure myself that everything will be okay

I'm sure I'll think of even more to add to the list by tomorrow. :)

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