Ten Facts About Me

Did you know that...

1. I am a Christian and believe that Jesus is the son of God and my one and only savior.

2. I want to major in Arabic and minor Middle Eastern Studies. (Or, depending upon where I go, major in International studies and learn Arabic as a part of the program, or something similar, but you get the idea.)

3. I am an avid reader with a way too long list of books to read.

4. I can't wait to get out into the world and make a difference, even if it's only a small difference. It matters to somebody.

5. I love being a part of my church's Youth Group and I look up to all of the great moms that help out with it.
6. I have the best dog in the world, Lucy. (: She is extremely spoiled.

7. I love my family and am so blessed to have them.

8. The majority of my iPod is not in English.

9. My new favorite quote (thanks to Mrs. Amy Walker) is "you can't change the past, so perfect the future."

10. I love to write about anything and everything that sparks my interest.  
